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Terms of Services

These Terms of Service (“Terms”) establish the terms and conditions for the services (“Services”) Neos Corporation (“Company”) provided through the FUJIYAMA JOBS website. Please read this agreement carefully before accessing or using any of the information from these Services. By using these Services, the customer (“User”) will be deemed to have agreed to these Terms of Service.

1. Scope

These Terms shall apply to all matters relating to using the Services and any information delivered by emails from the Company.

2. Handling of personal information

The Company shall handle personal information that we collect from the User through the operation of these Services in accordance with the Company’s Privacy Policy.

3. Prohibitions

When using these Services, the User will not engage in the following behavior:
(1) Providing false information when registering or using these Services.
(2) Infringing upon intellectual property, privacy, publicity rights, defamation, copyright and trademark rights, or any other acts that infringe on other users or third parties’ rights or interests.
(3) Behavior that obstructs the operation and business activities of the Company and these Services, or any acts that damage the credibility of the Company.
(4) Engaging in slander, insults, and threats to other users, Service employers, or the Company, as well as the employees of these Services and third parties involved in the Company’s business activities.
(5) Committing illegal acts contrary to public order and morality, including criminal acts, or any acts that will or may result in a criminal offence.
(6) Behavior that are against society’s interest, or any acts that will or may disadvantage society.
(7) Transmission of information containing computer viruses or any other harmful programs.
(8) Transmission of information containing computer viruses or any other harmful programs.

4. Disclaimer

The use of these Services does not necessarily guarantee an effective job search. In addition, the User bears responsibility, after being hired, for confirming working conditions directly with the employer and thereupon entering into an employment contract. The Company is not responsible for any loss or damages arising from the use of these Services, including emotional, financial and all other complications, however, this shall not apply to loss or damage related to or arising from the Company’s gross negligence or willful misconduct.

In addition, if the User applies for job opportunities through these Services, the User is accepting the disclosure of personal information such as the User’s profile to the employer. After application, the management of personal information shifts to the employer; the Company is not responsible for the acquisition of personal information by third parties.

The company is not responsible for any loss or damage when all or part of these Services are suspended in case of natural disasters or other unavoidable circumstances, such as internet traffic congestion, communication line failure, and failure of servers that are beyond the control of the Company.

5. User expulsion

If the Company determines that the sending or information provided by the User have or may have violated the Terms, the Company may take necessary countermeasures such as deleting all or part of such information.

In addition, if the Company determines that the User of the Services has or may have violated the Terms, it may suspend or terminate the provision of these Services at any time without notifying the User in advance.

6. Changes to the terms of Service

The company may modify or amend the Terms without consent of the User within the range of related laws and legislation safeguarding personal information. The modified or amended Terms shall become effective when posted on these Services.

7. Prohibition of assignment of rights and obligations

The User must not transfer or assign any of the rights and obligations set by these Terms to any other third parties.

In the event the Company transfers its business operations of the Services to another company, the Company will transfer its rights, obligations and the personal information of the Users of the Service, in accordance with these Terms. By agreeing to the Terms, Users shall be deemed to have given the Company prior consent to the provision of their personal information to the recipient of the business transfer. This section, outlining the determined business transfer, deals not only with regular business transfers, but also includes all cases in which the Company splits or transfers other business operations.

8. Intellectual properties rights

The Company holds ownership and owns the intellectual property rights of the images, contents and information on these Services.

However, product names, company names and logos of companies that are posted on these Services by companies who use our Services belong to those companies as their trademarks and registered trademarks.

With prior consent between the User and the Company, or between the User and intellectual property holding companies, the User may download or copy some part of contents of these Services only for private or non-commercial purposes.

9. Changes to the details of the service

The company may change the details of these Services without notifying the User or discontinue the provision of these Services; it shall not be held liable in any way for damages to the User.

10. Links

These Services include links to external websites; however, the contents of such websites are under the control of the owners of each external link and is not within the Company’s control. Therefore, the Company is not responsible for access to such external websites and their contents.

11. Collecting information

The company may collect information relating to the User’s activities in these Services. The Company also may disclose such information after anonymizing personal data.

12. Liability

By violating these Terms, the User shall be fully liable for any loss or damages inflicted on the Company, either directly or indirectly.

13. Governing law and jurisdiction

In interpreting these Terms, Japanese law shall be the governing law.

14. Consultation and settlement

In the event of a dispute arising in relation to the Services or to the Terms, consultation shall be first made between the Company and the User, and if no settlement is reached through such consultation, the Tokyo District Court shall have jurisdiction over the first trial.

15. Language

This translation is provided only for reference, and in case of any discrepancy between the Japanese version and this English version, the Japanese version shall prevail, and the Company is not responsible for Users’ misunderstanding arising from accuracy or inaccuracy of this translation.

Established December 11, 2019